Tuesday, June 2, 2009

how to bake a potato and potato peelers...

Time-saver: have two or more peelers. I found that I was constantly needing my peeler and pulling it out of the dishwasher to clean and use. I bought another Oxo peeler at Target (which I love!) and have a clean one on hand all the time. 

Then again, if you don't want to peel a potato, here's how to make great baked potatoes. I used to wrap them in foil, but then they steam, and these smell so sweet and yummy! Anyone with a fail-safe grill method please write in. I've had mixed luck, and we have a tiny grill.

Baked potatoes

•Preheat oven to 400 degrees
•Wash desired number of potatoes with a brush or cloth (get the ones that are big and look like bakers, not the thin white or red skinned...)
•Poke potatoes 5 or 6 times with a fork
•Rub with olive oil and a pinch of salt (sea salt if you have it-I didn't and they were great!)
•Bake for 50-60 minutes on a baking sheet (line with foil to save clean-up) 
•Done when you can poke a fork almost to the center with little resistance


We served it with plain yogurt mixed with some snipped garden herbs and lemon juice. Have your child mix the yogurt or sour cream with ketchup to make a pink sauce that kids like (especially if you have a girl in a pink phase like I do.) I admit, I like the pink sauce too...


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